17 March 2009

Immaterial talk

I received a copy of this message and I immediately felt it would be a perfect social outings postcard - because this message means many things to me. I love the words 'immaterial' and 'material' just like I love the words 'value' and 'values.' They are words that have many ideas and associations within them. They are words that behave as discourse, objects and subjects for me. What do they mean to you?

Hi Erik,

The English translation of the course, "Management van Immateriële Waarden" should be "Management of Intangible Value" or simply "Management of Intangibles". Unfortunately it is currently advertised as "Management of Immaterial Values", and I don't think you mean what the title currently suggests.The word 'immaterial' commonly means 'irrelevant, or unimportant under the circumstances'or'onbelangrijk'. It is used in accounting, for example, to describe issues that are judged to not matter to users of accounting statements.

I am sure that your course is certainly not about anything immaterial!


Hi Jonathan,

Thanks for your message. I think you should know that there is a tag line for this course, that appears in the course calendar and which often perplexes potential students: "A course about values that are too small to matter." Maybe this is helpful in explaining the intention.


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